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Private Assets

Mirabaud Lifestyle Impact and Innovation


We aim to invest in today’s disruptors including digital and technological pioneers and transform them into tomorrow’s lifestyle leaders. 

The lifestyle industry is facing unprecedented changes driven by four key trends:

Sustainability and impact

Changing consumer concerns have meant the global lifestyle industry has had to rethink its sourcing, manufacturing and distribution processes.

There is an opportunity for challengers to solve issues including both environmental impact - pollution, water consumption - and ethics - animal welfare, work conditions.

New generation consumers

‘Generation Z’ is now pioneering the latest trends.

These educated and highly-connected consumers are seeking brands with purpose and values including authenticity, transparency, and a commitment to ESG.

They expect a strong and consistent omnichannel experience across all customer journeys, including content and distribution.


The digitalization of the value chain is accelerating the pace of the industry, challenging traditional models and reshaping how brands interact with their customers including new uses of data or new experiential distribution models.

This expansion of the fashiontech ecosystem promises to radically transform the entire industry.

The new economy

The Covid crisis significantly accelerated the shift to digital channels – a shift that is likely to be permanent. Overall, the lifestyle industry proved resilient despite the pandemic’s many challenges.

Meanwhile, global urban populations are growing, especially in emerging markets. This interconnected global economy is opening up new frontier markets undreamt of a few years ago.

Our investment criteria

We seek out premium lifestyle B2C and B2B players addressing the demands of a new generation.

We focus on Europe, Asia and North America and invest across company cycle from seed to capital development.

Target sectors


Portfolio companies

Our value add

Active participation in the development and deployment of our companies’ business strategies is the best way to deliver lasting value to our investors.

We have setup our dedicated value creation framework centered on six key pillars:

Capital Injection

Management Contribution

Innovative marketing

Distribution channels

Disruptive design


At the very top of our pipeline, we look for companies which need new capital to accelerate their development.

We help our companies assess and find new management in order to scale their development.

We share our best practice and help our companies designing and implementing their marketing approach (offline marketing, influence marketing, content production, collaborations, event management).

We grow our companies revenues by developing their multi-channel distribution (department and flagship stores, pop-ups, e-commerce, m-commerce, KOLs, social selling, platforms).

We leverage on our network and expertise to implement and foster the adoption of new technologies.

We focus on mission-driven companies and support them by implementing dedicated ESG and impact plans.

Contact us

Asset management


Head of Sales Switzerland & Wholesale Central Europe (FraBeNeLux – DACH)

Asset management

Louis William WAGNER LEY

Wholesale Manager

Asset management

Benjamin CARTER

Head of UK Wholesale

Asset management


UK Wholesale Sales

Asset management


UK Wholesale Sales

Asset management


Head of Italy

Asset management


Senior Sales Executive, Italy

Asset management

Isabelle RICHARD

Head of Sales France

Asset management


Wholesale Director

Asset management

Guillaume FOULON

Sales Support - France

Asset management


Director Iberia & Latam

Asset management


Sales Iberia & Latam