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Qualified professional, Institutional, QDDI, etc ...

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By accessing this website, each user acknowledges and agrees with the rules provided in this document.
The access to this website can be restricted or prohibited for certain users. These limitations result in particular from legislations and regulations applicable in jurisdictions where the user has his domicile, his residence or by reason of his citizenship. Persons subject to such restrictions must not access this website. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that he is authorised to access this website.

No offer, performance and risks

No information provided on this website shall constitute or be construed as advice, an offer or a recommendation to acquire, retain or sell units of collective investment schemes (hereinafter the “Funds”), any other investment product or to pursue a given investment strategy.

Before investing in any of the Funds or other investment products or pursuing any strategy mentioned in this document, potential investors should consult the relevant legal documents such as, in relation to the Funds, the prospectus and, where applicable, the Key Information Document (KID) and Key Investor Information Document (KIID), the articles of association, the regulations, as well as the annual and semi-annual reports. These documents may be obtained free of charge from the management companies or representatives of the Funds in each country where the Funds have their registered office, are registered and/or are distributed. In addition, it is recommended that each potential investor seeks professional legal, financial and tax advice before making an investment decision to ensure that they understand the associated risks and that the investment is suitable for their risk tolerance.

Performance mentioned on this website refers to past performance and is not an indication or guarantee of future results. Performance shown does not take into account commissions and fees which might be levied on the issue and redemption of units.

All investment involves risks. Fund values can fall as well as rise, and investors may not recover the amounts invested.


The sources of the information contained in this document are deemed reliable. However, the accuracy or completeness of the information cannot be guaranteed and some figures may only be estimates. Moreover, any view or opinion expressed on this website may be modified without notice.

Limitations of liability

The entities of the Mirabaud group and their data suppliers may not be held liable for any losses or damages of any nature whatsoever, including direct, indirect or consequential damages, which may result from accessing, using or browsing this website, or from links to other websites.

Local legal restrictions

This website contains information on Funds which are available for distribution only in jurisdictions where they have been registered or which are only available exclusively for certain categories of investors. Therefore, no information on the Funds is provided to persons who are not residents of any of the countries listed below or who do not fall into these categories of investors. As a consequence, such persons must leave this part of the website.


In Austria, only the Fund Mirabaud is authorised for distribution by the Austrian financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Austrian residents.


In Denmark, only the Fund Mirabaud is authorised for distribution by the Danish financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Danish residents.


In France, only the Funds Mirabaud, Mirabaud Multi Assets and, for professional investors only, Mirabaud Opportunities, Mirabaud Grand Paris, Mirabaud Living Impact & Innovation, and Mirabaud Patrimoine Vivant are authorised for distribution by the French financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by French residents.


In Finland, only the Fund Mirabaud is authorised for distribution by the Finnish financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Finnish residents.


In Germany, only the Fund Mirabaud is authorised for distribution by the German financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by German residents.


In Ireland, only the Fund Mirabaud is authorised for distribution by the Irish financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Irish residents.


In Italy, only the Funds Mirabaud, Mirabaud Multi Assets and, for professional investors only, Mirabaud Grand Paris and Mirabaud Living Impact & Innovation are authorised for distribution by the Italian financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Italian residents.


In Luxembourg, only the Funds Mirabaud, Mirabaud Multi Assets, Mirabaud Opportunities, Mirabaud Grand Paris, and Mirabaud Living Impact & Innovation are authorised for distribution by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”). Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Luxembourg residents.


In the Netherlands, only the Fund Mirabaud is authorised for distribution by the Dutch financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Dutch residents.


In Norway, only the Fund Mirabaud is authorised for distribution by the Norwegian financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Norwegian residents.


In Portugal, only the Fund Mirabaud is authorised for distribution by the Portuguese financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Portuguese residents.


In Spain, only the Funds Mirabaud, Mirabaud Multi Assets, and for professional investors only, Mirabaud Grand Paris, Mirabaud Living Impact & Innovation, and Mirabaud Opportunities are authorised for distribution by the Spanish financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Spanish residents.


In Sweden, only the Fund Mirabaud is authorised for distribution by the Swedish financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by Swedish residents.


In Switzerland, only the Funds Mirabaud, Mirabaud Multi Assets, Mirabaud Fund (CH) and Mirabaud (CH) have been authorised for offering in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, FINMA (hereinafter “FINMA”), in accordance with the Federal Collective Investment Schemes Act (hereinafter “CISA”) and the Federal Act on Financial Services (hereinafter “FinSA”). Other Funds that do not appear on the above list have not been approved by FINMA for offering in Switzerland. Information on this website about other Funds has not been approved by FINMA for distribution in Switzerland.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, only the Funds Mirabaud, Mirabaud Multi Assets, M Investment Solutions and, for professional investors only, Mirabaud Grand Paris, Mirabaud Living Impact & Innovation, and Mirabaud Opportunities are authorised for distribution by the UK financial market regulator. Information on this website about other Funds is not intended for use by UK residents.

United States

With reference to the United States of America, none of the units of the Funds have been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, and, as a rule, no shares shall be offered, sold or resold in the United Stated of America or to US persons.

Intellectual property

Mirabaud and other entities of the Mirabaud group mentioned on this website are brands and/or trademarks of the Mirabaud group and/or affiliate companies, subject to trademarks and other rights owned by third parties. Unless otherwise stated, the entire website is copyright protected. It is not permitted to reproduce, in whole or in part, transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), to modify, to make links to this website or to use this website for public or commercial purpose without the prior approval of Mirabaud.

Personal data protection

The Mirabaud Group undertakes to comply with data protection requirements in accordance with the applicable regulations. For more information, please refer to the Data Protection Notice.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

All claims and disputes relating to the access and use of this website shall be governed by Swiss law. The courts of the canton of Geneva shall have exclusive jurisdiction.