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Lionel Aeschlimann, CEO of Mirabaud Asset Management

A heritage to build a better present

Mirabaud Group is gearing up to celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2019.

Founded in 1819, the Mirabaud Group and its collaborators can be proud to have successfully overcome a whole array of hurdles along the course of the past two centuries and consequently ensured that a strong relationship of trust is established with its clients and stakeholders, and in some instances across multiple generations. Trust is of paramount importance in any kind of business and the asset management business in which we evolve and continue to grow is no exception. We understand our business to be a business of people and as such, although Mirabaud Asset Management remains on the fore front of technical and digital evolutions, our clients’ satisfaction and our full loyalty to them remain our first and absolute priority.

With people’s interest in mind, Mirabaud as a group should also be proud to having been one of the pioneers, a reference and a strong advocate of investing responsibly, with a long term horizon, and always engaging with the management of the companies we invest in. Being prepared for the present and the future is a constant concern in our fast evolving world and, in our modest view, the only way of doing so is not only to listen to the market, but also to engage actively with the companies that we select, and to listen to all our clients who year after year, decade after decade, continue to entrust Mirabaud with their savings and investments.  

In doing so, Mirabaud Asset Management has recognised the need for longer term investment solutions providing our investors with access to the so called private assets sphere. Our answer to this call was to create a dedicated private equity pole led by Mr R. Dutreil and the swift launch of our first private equity vehicle (Mirabaud Patrimoine Vivant) targeting luxury - lifestyle non publicly quoted multi-generational family owned businesses and partnering with the families leading said businesses to ensure the perenity of at least part of the so sought after European heritage in regards to quality manufacturing know-how. This first success has been exciting to say the least and opens the door to new projects that we deem in full alignment with both our DNA and our investors’ desire to take an active part in building the present of tomorrow without hindering the performance to be delivered.

In the aim of not only satisfying the thirst for yield but also contributing to build a better tomorrow, we are looking at investing opportunities that will answer both criteria. The development of the “Grand Paris“ seems to be an irrefutably compelling project in full alignment with the above. Such a project aims at improving life for residents, even out disparities between territories while contributing to transforming Paris, one of the most prominent European capitals, into a sustainable city, thus combining ESG features, an active contribution to the French, European and world heritage and exposure to the largest European real estate and infrastructure project since Baron Haussmann.

2018 has been an exciting year, and we look forward to engaging with you on the promises that 2019 brings with the arrival of the new year. Like in the last 200 years, generation after generation, we will make sure that we are at all times present to our clients, committed to bringing you innovative, responsible and performing investment solutions.


Lionel Aeschlimann

CEO Mirabaud Asset Management


Lionel Aeschlimann - CEO Mirabaud Asset Management

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